About RPIC Presov

RPIC Presov is business support organisation.

Regional Advisory and Information Centre Presov (RPIC Presov) as an independent organisation of non profit character creates the conditions for the development of small and medium sized enterprises as an important factor of the regional development. It provides its services to its clients to develop the region from the socio-economical point of view as well as to integrate the region into European economic structures.

RPIC Presov was established in 1993, during the years 1999 - 2007 it hosetd the Euro Info Centre (the centre for the business support established by the DG Enterprise and Industry of European Commission), from 2008 is the member of Enterprise Europe Network (business support network for entrepreneurship and innovations established by the DG Enterprise and Industry of European Commission). From 2004 RPIC Presov runs Technology Incubator Centre.

From its establishement the Centre provides its services mainly to small and medium sized entreprises (SMEs) from Presov and Kosice regions of Slovakia (Eastern part of Slovakia), but its services were demanded by many companies from the rest parts of Slovakia also.

The target groups of the Centre are moreover the following ones:

  • entrepreneurs including business start-ups, 
  • people interested in starting up a business, 
  • other business support centres for entrepreneurs, 
  • students, 
  • training and educational institutions, 
  • state, regional and local government and self-government.
  7.5.2017 | Autor: RPIC Prešov | O NÁS | zobrazené: 751 krát | Share on Facebook